1st TurboRun is an application launcher and document finder. Its interface consists of a single window in which you can type text to find applications and documents for easy launching. Unlike other solutions out there, 1st TurboRun does not index your hard drive when you first open it, and you can't do it manually either. Instead, you have to tell the application which folders you want it to examine. Basically, it is a dumbed-down version of other launchers out there. But that problem is easily solved: you simply add your main hard drive as a folder, and voilá.
1st TurboRun displays the search results as you type, so wait times are basically non-existent. So, let's say you look for "Internet Explorer." By default, the application will only find the shortcut that you have in the Programs menu. You can then double-click it and Internet Explorer will launch. Unfortunately, you can't simply hit "enter" to make a selection; you have to grab your mouse and do some clicking.
For every search result, you get its path and last modification date. You can also tell 1st TurboRun how to look for your files: whether to look only for recently modified files, or to include/exclude certain folders.